Welcome to CJCPE!

Dear readers and contributors,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our newest collaboration, the Creighton Journal of Collaborative Practice and Education (CJCPE). As the editor, I am proud to present a new journal in interprofessional practice and education with a priority for furthering contributions that explore interprofessional work with diverse populations, community engagement, work in health humanities, social justice, and innovations in curricular design. Our goal is to bring you a collection of diverse and thought-provoking articles that cover this wide range of topics within our field.

This journal is committed to providing a platform for rigorous academic research and promoting interdisciplinary collaboration. We aim to feature contributions from leading scholars, researchers, and practitioners from many different backgrounds, all of whom can share their unique perspectives and insights on some of the most pressing issues of our field. We believe that CJCPE will be of great interest to academics, practitioners, and policymakers alike. From the latest clinical teaching innovations to the evolving nature of social and cultural policies, our articles aim to explore a range of topics that are both timely and relevant.

I would like to extend my gratitude to our dedicated team of staff and faculty at CIPER, our new Editorial team, and all who have helped to bring this journal to life, working continuously to ensure the quality and rigor of our journal and its platform. I would also like to thank our early contributors for their invaluable feedback and their commitment to advancing knowledge in our field.

Thank you for your interest in our journal, and we look forward to your continued support.


Jennifer Jessen, EdD, RN, CNOR, FNAP

Executive Director of the Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education, & Research (CIPER)