CJCPE Frequently Asked Questions

For a brief overview of information related to frequently asked questions, please view the following information. For more information view here.

What is CJCPE?

Creighton Journal of Collaborative Practice & Education is an interprofessional, interdisciplinary journal devoted to advancement of collaborative health care practice and education. CJCPE welcomes submissions that improve the knowledge and understanding of how collaborative practice contributes to improvement of health care delivery, quality of care, access to care, intersections with the humanities, and improving the health care experience for individuals, families, communities, and practitioners. Articles for submission should demonstrate innovations or improvements in this field that meaningfully contribute to the advancement of curricular teaching or practice, assessment and evaluation, collaborative care models, and/or an understanding of team dynamics as it relates to healthcare delivery and outcomes. 

The publishing philosophy of CJCPE is to spread knowledge and understanding of interprofessional or interdisciplinary collaborative practice and education as an online open access journal that is available to both subscribers and public with permitted reuse.  

What type of submissions does CJCPE accept?

Articles submitted to CJCPE should report original qualitative, quantitative or mixed-methods research. Authors may submit a special report, case report, or comprehensive review of literature. Authors are responsible to submit only well-constructed articles that are thought provoking, critical in nature and on an important topic related to collaborative practice and education from an interprofessional or interdisciplinary approach within the healthcare field. 

Additionally, you can view the archive of published CJCPE articles here: https://cjcpe.journals.publicknowledgeproject.org/index.php/cjcpe/issue/archive

I have my article completed; how do I submit?

Articles are submitted online at cjcpe.journals.publicknowledgeproject.org/index.php/cjcpe. View the author checklist to ensure all requirements are met: Submissions | Creighton Journal of Collaborative Practice and Education (publicknowledgeproject.org)

Is there a fee for publication?

To successfully support publication in an open access journal, CJCPE requires the  submitting author agree to payment that covers the publication costs. Article publication costs typically range from $250-400 with a discount offered to current students (with verification). Once the article has been accepted and enters the production cycle the author will be supplied with the publication charge. When the author approves the final proof of the article, payment will be requested. Secure payment will be collected through an online service. Prompt payment is advised, as successful payment is necessary before the article will be published online. 

When will I be notified regarding the status of my submission?

You can expect to be notified of your submission status within 4-6 weeks. All submissions are peer reviewed and thoroughly checked to ensure submission guidelines are adhered to. If you have questions, please contact the CJCPE Managing Editor or Assistant Copy Editor at: CJCPEPublishing@creighton.edu

I am interested in becoming a part of the CJCPE editorial board as a reviewer, who do I contact?

A reviewer for CJCPE is non-term position which provides timely blind reviews of articles received from the Managing Editor. Reviewers report to the Managing Editor, Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board. The CJCPE team is actively engaged in growing the team and seeks individuals with expertise related to the mission of CJCPE and a high level of understanding and skill set regarding peer reviewed articles and processes. If you think you may be a good fit as a reviewer, please contact the Editor-in-Chief.