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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is a Microsoft Word file. 
  • The submission is a maximum of 4,000 words.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • Abstract is included in the main document and is less than 350 words. 
  • Cover letter is completed and is a Microsoft Word file. 
  • Cover page is completed and is a Microsoft Word file. 
  • The submission does not have author identifiers.
  • Keywords have been developed and placed appropriately. 
  • Institutional review board or ethics committee approval or waiver is included where appropriate.
  • Software and equipment used for the study are described in methods section.
  • Results are only presented in the results section, and not in discussion section.
  • Discussion and interpretation of results are only in the discussion section. 
  • Limitations or delimitations are included at the end of the discussion section or as a separate section following the discussion section.
  • References are cited at the end of the article using the latest AMA standards.
  • References section is at the end of the article. 
  • References include DOI or other referencing system when applicable
  • Tables are formatted and submitted as a Microsoft Word file.
  • Figures are formatted and submitted as a TIF or JPG file, 300dpi or 500dpi/120pix per cm. Photos are best at 600+dpi/240pix per cm.
  • Tables and figures are listed appropriately.

Author Guidelines

Please Read entirely before submitting to Creighton Journal of Collaborative Practice & Education. 
Editorial Policy 

Articles may be submitted in one of four categories for review and publication in Journal of Collaborative Practice & Education: (1) Original Research, (2) Special Report, (3) Case Report, or (4) Comprehensive Review (5) Editorials are included by invitation. 

Cover Page

Includes the title of the article, names of all the authors with abbreviated highest academic degree earned and applicable certifications, along with affiliated institutions according to the latest AMA standards, and the author with contact information to whom correspondence should be directed.  

Article Format 

Do not indicate author names or institutions anywhere in the article other than on the cover page.

Articles should be formatted using the latest AMA standards.    

 In general, articles should be formatted as the following: 

Number of Pages

Articles should not exceed 4,000 words. Exceptions can be made with prior consent from Editor-in-Chief.  

File Format

Must be submitted as Word documents. 


Must be submitted in American English and cannot be written in first person.  


12-point font in accordance with the latest AMA standards. Double-space all text including references.  


Must be cited at the end of the article using the latest AMA standards.

Tables and Figures 


Illustrations or tables from other publications must be accompanied with written permission from the author and publishers of the original document in which they appeared.  


Submit all tables at the end of the article or as separate Word files. Tables should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the article. Include table title above each table. Tables should be black and white and adhere to article format requirements. Tables should fit onto one portrait orientation page and should be no more than nine columns wide. Tables that do not fit these size requirements should be split into separate tables.  


Submit all files as either a TIF or JPG file. Figures should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the article. Titles and legends for the figures should be included as text at the end of the article.  Figures can be submitted as either black and white or color.  


Proofs will be sent to the author designated to receive correspondence.  

Fees for Publication 

To successfully support publication in an open access journal, CJCPE requires the submitting author agree to payment that covers the publication costs. Article publication costs typically range from $250-400 with a discount offered to current students (with verification). Once the article has been accepted and enters the production cycle the author will be supplied with the publication charge. When the author approves the final proof of the article, payment will be requested. Secure payment will be collected through an online service. Prompt payment is advised, as successful payment is necessary before the article will be published online.  

Pay Invoice here 

Original Research

Original Research research that used qualitative, quantitative and or mixed-methods research methodologies and analyses. The manuscript must be structured as follows:

Abstract – summary not to exceed 350 words in the following format: 

Introduction: Describes the need for the study. 

Hypothesis/Problem: What was tested or problem statement addressed. 

Methods: Summary of research methodology or instruments with appropriate subsections.  

Results: Summary of research findings. 

Conclusion: Implications or relevance of findings. 

Introduction – provide rational for the research.  

Methods – sufficiently describe research method(s) used, including a summary of subjects, study design, statistical tests, software and equipment. Approval by an Institutional Review Committee must be included when appropriate.  

Results – all direct results from the study must appear in this section. No discussion of the results may be included. Must present in text using both numbers and percentages when applicable and may refer to tables and figures. Must explain all data included in tables and figures without unnecessary redundancy.  

Discussion – provide interpretation of the results. Results should not be repeated. Limitations should be defined and suggestions for future research should be included.  

Conclusion – discuss or connect the findings in terms of practical implications.  

References – should meet the latest AMA standards, include doi or other similar referencing systems when able, and be alphabetically ordered. References should not be formatted as footnotes or superscripts. 

Special Reports

Special Report - describes or provides information on activities, educational innovations, or development in a field related to this journal. The manuscript should be structured as follows:

Abstract – summary not to exceed 350 words.  

Introduction – feature the problem being discussed and the reasons that it needs to addressed. 

Report – describe the activity, innovation, or development. Any subsections should be subtitled. Include references.  

Discussion – emphasize the significance of the report. Include a comprehensive review of the pertinent literature.  

Conclusion – discuss or connect the findings in terms of practical implications.  

References – should meet the latest AMA standards, include doi or other similar referencing systems when able, and be alphabetically ordered. References should not be formatted as footnotes or superscripts. 

Case Report

Case Report – highlight a current aspect of leadership practice, theory or phenomenon. Case reports may have value in the development of a research project by the same or other investigators. The manuscript should be structured the same for Special Reports.  

Comprehensive Review

Comprehensive Review – a review of literature used to refine areas in which there is disagreement. Establishes a base of evidence for the topic being discussed. The manuscript should be structured the same for Special Reports.  

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


In consideration of any action taken by the Creighton Journal of Collaborative Practice and Education (CJCPE) in reviewing and editing, and the possible publication of the author(s) manuscript, the author(s) undersigned hereby transfers, assigns, or otherwise conveys all copyright ownership, which also encompasses electronic distribution of the work, to the CJCPE. The author(s) represents and warrants that they are the sole creator(s) and proprietor(s) of said article and that they have full power to make this agreement and grant, that it in no way infringes upon any copyright or proprietary rights of others, and that the manuscript has not been published or is not being considered for publication by any other entity.

The author(s) agrees to obtain, at their own expense, any required consents or releases of any other publisher or other person(s) owning the rights of copyright of any part of said article, including tables, charts, or photographs. In the event that the author does not have exclusive rights to the article and/or copyright thereto, or to any part of said article as above, and does not agree to obtain such consents or releases, the CJCPE shall have the right, without limiting any other rights the CJCPE may have under federal and state law, to terminate this agreement immediately.